2007 National Conference on Traditional Music
Organised by the TMSA, the overarching theme for the conference was “Passing on the Tradition”. Throughout the course of the day, the conference looked at current strategies within the formal and informal education sectors and the wider Scottish community.
The question of how we ensure that the many musical traditions of Scotland are passed down to a new generation was addressed. Speakers and topics included:
- Karine Polwart; musician and award winning singer-songwriter: “Community, Commerce and The Cult of Youth”
- Alistair Anderson artistic director of Folkworks: “Folkworks and folk music development in north east England and beyond”
- Siân Thomas from Trac; folk development for Wales: “Digging for Welsh Gold”
- Andy Hunter singer and teacher at the RSAMD: “Teaching & the Tradition in Scottish Folk Music”
- Petrea Cooney Cultural Co-ordinator and SAC’s Youth Music Initiative sector officer: “My Passing on of the Tradition”
- Joshua Dickson Gaelic musician: “An Update On the Scottish Traditional Music Graded Exams Project”
- Arthur Cormack Gaelic singer and director of Fèisean nan Gàidheal a youth tuition festivals organisation: “A’ toirt ar dualchais do ar n-òigridh ~ Passing on our tradition to our young people”
The conference was chaired by Mary Ann Kennedy who spent several years working for the Gaelic news service of the BBC and becoming BBC Radio nan Gaidheal’s news editor before leaving to concentrate on her musical career.
With over 100 delegates the day was well attended. There was an opportunity for questions from the floor and “breakout sessions” for conference delegates to discuss the presentations. The day also provided a valuable opportunity for delegates to make connections with each other.