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About the TMSA

Since its foundation in 1966, The Traditional Music and Song Association of Scotland has helped to foster and promote Scotlandís unique musical traditions.

The TMSA is a membership organisation open to all. Our members include music enthusiasts, festival fans, amateur and professional performers, tutors, academics and entire families.

The TMSA encourages both widespread popular participation and individual artistic excellence. Its branches provide opportunities for participation (as performer and audience) for people of all ages and abilities by running festivals, ceilidhs, concerts, workshops, tours and competitions.

In partnership with other traditional arts organisations, the TMSA campaigns to have the intrinsic value of Scottish Traditional Art forms recognised and to secure current and future funding for them.

Click on the links below to find out more:


Staff, Directors and Patrons

Past Projects

Current Projects

Aims & Policies

Advocacy & Campaigning

How to Join


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