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TMSA Branches
The TMSA encourages both widespread popular participation and individual artistic excellence. Its branches provide opportunities for participation (as performer and audience) for people of all ages and abilities by running festivals, ceilidhs, concerts, workshops, tours and competitions. The branches are each involved in sustaining the specific cultural traditions of their area, as well as those of Scotland as a whole.
For information about individual branches, click on the links to their pages below:
Aberdeen Branch
Angus Branch
Bute Branch
Edinburgh & Lothians Branch
Glasgow Branch
Keith Branch
Perth Branch
TMSA National Office is located at:
The Signal Box, 5 Appin Lane
EH14 1JL
Company Limited by Guarantee No. SC199976
Registered Scottish Charity SC003819
Telephone: +44 (0)792 253 3915
E-mail: office@tmsa.scot
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