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TMSA Aims & Policies


To promote, present and preserve the traditional music & song of Scotland.


Our vision is that:

  • Scotland’s vibrant living indigenous heritage of traditional music and song is recognised and valued within and outwith Scotland as an intrinsic part of our national identity.
  • There is equal and widespread access to opportunities for people within Scotland to learn, teach, attend and participate in Scottish traditional music and song at a range of levels, thus laying solid foundations for development and innovation whilst at the same time safeguarding the grassroots of our diverse heritage.
  • People globally can access information about Scottish traditional music and song, its practitioners past and present, and opportunities to participate in related activities.


We value:

  • The diversity of Scotland’s indigenous music and song heritage that stems from the cultural, agricultural, industrial and political history of Scotland.
  • The inclusiveness of our heritage which unites each community, crosses generations and enables a shared understanding between communities nationally and globally.
  • The grassroots traditions (intrinsically and as a source for new interpretations).
  • The contribution that participants at all levels of ability make to maintaining and developing Scotland’s traditional arts
    the financial and social contribution that Scottish traditional music and song makes not only to local communities but also nationally and globally.

Strategic Aims

  • To ensure that the indigenous traditional music and song of Scotland continues as a vibrant living heritage.
  • To gain national and international recognition of Scotland’s traditional music and song as an intrinsic part of our national identity.
  • To ensure that information about Scotland’s music and song is globally available

Strategic Objectives

1. To enable people to learn, teach, attend and participate in Scottish traditional music and song at all levels of ability in venues within and outwith Scotland by providing:

  • opportunities (mainly within Scotland)
  • information on opportunities provided by other organisations and individuals (mainly within but also outwith Scotland)

2. To work individually and with other organisations to:

  • raise awareness of and inform people globally about Scotland’s traditional music and song
  • commission and conduct research related to our vision
  • support practitioners and organisations working in the field of Scottish traditional music and song

3. To facilitate submission of information concerning practitioners, instruments, playing and singing styles, local and national customs and other relevant facts about Scotland’s traditional music and song. This information will be compiled and organised to create a web-based interactive archive to assist people seeking information.

4. To build an accessible collection of Scotland’s traditional music and song to enable people to study, appreciate, learn and perform these tunes and songs.

5. To continue to develop the capacity of the TMSA to enable it to achieve its vision.

We also have a comprehensive range of organisational policies. If you require details of any of our policies please contact the TMSA National Office.

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